All Might vs. AFO continues as a student returns to the story

Publish date: 2024-05-11

My Hero Academia chapter 399 was supposed to bring the climax of All Might’s battle against AFO. The spoilers released today revealed that the chapter also switches focus to a student who has not appeared for quite a while. The official translation of the chapter is set to be published in Weekly Shonen Jump issue 39 on Monday, September 3, at 12 AM JST.

In the previous chapter, more details on How All Might met Nana Shimura and how she came to train him were revealed. All Might was pushed onto his last leg as AFO tried to finish him off for good. The former hero had lost most of his support items as well as his car, Hercules.

Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from My Hero Academia chapter 399.

My Hero Academia chapter 399 spoilers show All Might’s ultimate move against AFO as Aoyama returns to the fray

According to My Hero Academia chapter 399 spoilers, the chapter is named A.C. Powered Lamp.

As per spoilers, All for One destroys a building as All Might dodges the attack with the help of Tentacles that stick to surfaces. He calls them Tentacole and Froppy. As he plans his next attack, All Might realizes that if the only way to force Rewind to take effect on AFO is a large attack, he needs to use whatever is in his repertoire very carefully.

He sends robotic birds called Anima to fetch something for him. AFO taunts him, saying that he understands All Might’s plan. He covers the entire alleyway with Black Tendrils as two gigantic mouths show up. The mouths try to eat everything, including All Might. The tendrils break All Might’s tentacles, and AFO notes that the former hero’s smile is gone.

AFO plans to show the world how the former Symbol of Peace dies. He hits All Might hard enough that the other man spits out blood. However, All Might recovers and fires Shoto Canon inside AFO’s mouth. He reminds the villain that people are transient, when one of them dies, another steps up to take his place.

According to the spoilers, My Hero Academia chapter 399 then shifts to the parking lot where Aoyama is fighting Kuneida. Kuneida has defeated all of the heroes. Aoyama is the only one left standing, but even he has roses growing out of his body and has difficulty mastering an attack.

Fat Gum reveals that Kuneida’s flowers grow roots inside the body and soak up all the nutrients, rendering the victim unable to do anything, much less use their quirk. After Fat Gum passes out, Kuneida reveals that when one of the flowers blooms, the pollen starts a chain reaction and affects everyone in the vicinity. He has the flowers bring Aoyama’s belt to him, effectively rendering him useless.

However, Aoyama remembers his parents' effort to get him that belt, and he activates his quirk without the belt. The lasers go haywire, not a single one of them hitting Kuneida. However, Hagakure shows up just in time and guides the lasers to their target, telling Aoyama,

“I have been waiting for you, hero.”

My Hero Academia chapter 399 then cuts back to All Might, who continues his speech, saying that the new generation is providing him with the guiding light and allowing him to shine again. The Anima birds have brought back whatever remains of Hercules, and the car fires a laser at AFO from the air in a move called “I Can’t Stop Twinkling!"

Be sure to keep up with more anime news and manga updates as the series progresses. Readers will find a detailed list of My Hero Academia chapter 399 exact release date and time here.

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