Bella Hadid on the plastic surgery rumors: We can do a scan of my face, darling

Publish date: 2024-04-17

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Bella Hadid has a new interview with InStyle Magazine, and my guess is that this was some sort of promotional (interview/advertisement) piece for Dior Beauty, since Bella is a face of Dior Beauty and she name-checks the brand in the interview. What’s interesting here is that she specifically denies having plastic surgery and fillers… and I don’t really know how I feel about that. You can read the full piece here. Highlights:

Learning about beauty from her parents: “I learned about beauty from my mom, though mostly in terms of skin care. She’s always said that good skin is so much more important than the stuff you put on top of it. My dad, meanwhile, never wanted us to wear makeup, so we didn’t. I rode horses, and my sister [fellow supermodel Gigi] played volleyball. In my family, it wasn’t about how you looked; it was about how you competed.”

Her craziest beauty moment: “I’ve gone through a lot of phases. When I was 16, I really wanted to make a point of whatever it was I was trying to do, so I had grills before it was cool—I was definitely not cool—and I dyed my hair blue with pink underneath. And I had rainbow hair at one point too. It was hysterical. In terms of makeup, I really didn’t know how to do anything on my face until I started working with Dior and Peter Philips. I had no idea how to blend or how to do my brows. I look back like, “Wow girl, you’ve really learned.”

Her awkward teen years: “Yes. I had a small waist and big hips and was kind of chubby. I love them now, but I was always self-conscious of my hips—whereas my sister had a six-pack and was very athletic. And I thought I had such a weird face. I remember very distinctly getting bullied because of my features.

She denies having surgery or fillers: “People think I’m very confident, but I really had to learn how to be… People think I got all this surgery or did this or that. And you know what? We can do a scan of my face, darling. I’m scared of putting fillers into my lips. I wouldn’t want to mess up my face.”

[From InStyle]

Can you do a scan of someone’s face and see the fillers in their lips? I truly didn’t know you could do that. So if that’s true (??), then sure, maybe she doesn’t have lip fillers. But you can bet your ass that chica had a nose job. And I don’t get why that’s such a big deal? A lot of people have nose jobs. Just say “I had a deviated septum fixed when I was a teenager” and leave it at that. Don’t create this web of lies about how you’re all natural when the photo evidence exists. Also: I used to think that she had a boob job too, but I remember one half-naked photoshoot Bella did and I thought, at the time, “Oh, I see, her boobs are real!” So I do think she probably just had the nose job, and maybe some minor lip work and that’s it. It’s mostly subtle and natural-looking, so there’s that.

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Photos courtesy of WENN.
