Does Queen Elizabeth II Have Instagram?

Publish date: 2024-05-23

Whether it’s just to keep your finger on the pulse with regards to the goings-on of the most famous royal family in the world, or you’re just a huge fan, you might have found yourself wanting more content from the head of that family. Does Queen Elizabeth II have a presence on any social media like Instagram?

Queen Elizabeth II does not have an Instagram account that she personally runs, but there is an official account that regularly uploads royal family content. Not all of the content features the Queen, but it is the first place where such content will appear.

Though it would be fantastic if she actually did run her own Instagram account, proving that it’s possible for anyone of any age from any walk of life to master social media, at least she’s present indirectly.

Royal Media

If you’re a public figure, then it won’t particularly matter what manner of a public figure that is, you’ll almost certainly have some kind of presence on the big social media platforms. Sites like Instagram are a favorite, a platform where fans can stay up to date with your life, but impersonal enough that a handler can deal with the daily goings-on.

Calling them “celebrities” is probably a slight understatement, but the members of the royal family are public figures like any actor, entertainer, or performer. Not only are they raised up on a pedestal by the public, but they also live incredibly privileged lives in a rarefied atmosphere of a society that most of us can only imagine.

That got us thinking, does Queen Elizabeth II of the globally beloved British royal family have an Instagram account? That led us to the official Instagram, which is of course run by some kind of social media handler in “the Firm” that takes care of the royal family’s business.

The account in question (@theroyalfamily) isn’t a personal account by any stretch of the imagination. You won’t go on there to see a quick snap of the family dinner at Buckingham Palace or any of the royal family making influencer-style posts showing off their new beauty products or purchases.

The Firm

If you’re not familiar with “the Firm,” it’s essentially the organization that helps to maintain all of the affairs of the royal family. That includes both personal issues and business affairs, but they are never an entity that stands out publicly, with the rare occasion that we hear from them usually being when a public statement is being made. 

Calling it a firm has gained traction in the wake of the interview of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry that was conducted by Oprah. In combination with some of the comments that were made, it gave the organization an almost shadowy reputation, as if they were puppet masters pulling strings from behind the scenes.

While anything is possible, we’ll steer clear of any notions of conspiracy and stick to the social media side of things. The posts that are uploaded to the royal family Instagram account run a gamut of every style of content imaginable.

On one hand, you’ll have commemorative posts regarding events like the death of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. On the other hand, there will be more seemingly personal posts of the Queen and the various members of her household, in both photo-shoot style shots and more candid snaps.

Other Members’ Accounts

If you were hoping to get more of a window into the Queen’s personal life through social media, then you’ll be disappointed, as she doesn’t have any accounts exclusively dedicated to or run by her. There are a few fan accounts but nothing official, even despite how close some of the names get to look like they might be a verified account.

You won’t fare any better on any of the other platforms either. There’s no Twitter account either unless she perhaps goes incognito under some kind of alias.

Still, if you need to satiate your greed for even more royal family content beyond the official channels, then you’re not completely out of luck. Despite the fact that Queen Elizabeth II doesn’t have an account, there are still plenty of other royal family members that are active on social media.

You can find a list of them here. It’s nothing too outlandish or provocative, but some of them give you a better glimpse into the life of royalty.
