How to rename your Temtem

Publish date: 2024-05-29

Crema's massively multiplayer open-world role-playing game Temtem has caught players' attention ever since its early access release back in 2020. The multi-platform title borrows a large portion of its design and other elements from the highest-grossing media franchise of all time: Pokemon. This also includes the ability to name your critters and also rename them subsequently.

Similar to Game Freak's offerings, players can choose to rename their Temtem even after doing so once. Here's how.

Temtem requires a bit of story progression before players can rename their monsters manually

To be able to rename your monster whenever desired, you will have to visit the Citizen's Bureau Central Offices. This building is located in the town of Neoedo in Cipanku. Here, players can access a variety of services, including Temtem Registration and Citizen Data Office. The latter is of interest to those looking to rename their creatures.

What you'll have to do to accomplish your objective is:

Given how expensive renaming others' critters are, you might want to approach their original trainer to do that for you. For those who would prefer to bear the brunt of the cost, you can acquire more Pansun by selling items at Temporiums and winning battles, which includes PvP-based matchmaking.

Another key service offered in the title, the Citizen Data Office, allows for changes involving details associated with the gamer. This service is free, unlike renaming monsters, and provides players options in terms of their preferred pronouns: She/Her, He/Him, or They/Them.

What is the game about?

Recently launched as the final 1.0 release, this ambitious project takes the familiar monster-catching-and-taming loop to a new level. In the Airborne Archipelago, players will control a budding Temtem-tamer.

Pokemon fans will feel right at home here because of the three starter creatures and the aspect of defeating other trainers. The title also has Dojos (this game's version of Pokemon Gyms), which the player needs to beat to forward the narrative. Moreover, the game also has a chaos-causing villainous organization called Clan Belsoto, led by Lady Lottie.

The key difference between Pokemon and this offering involves battles. All Temtem fights are 2v2 and follow a familiar rock-paper-scissors formula that fans of the genre have come to expect. Instead of power points, these creatures have a stamina bar instead. Battles are random as well, and wild monsters can be caught using cards. Another factor that separates it from its competition is its online aspect, allowing players to engage in the co-op campaign and battles together.

This title was recently released on September 6, 2022, and is available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

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