How to save the halfling Findal in the Underground Passage in Baldur's Gate 3?

Publish date: 2024-06-01

In Baldur's Gate 3, players will encounter demanding quests that necessitate the exploration of various regions and eliminating enemies. These tasks also involve the objective of rescuing specific NPCs. As players progress on their journey, they will face diverse scenarios where their assistance is pivotal in saving these characters. Although the quest may appear simple at first glance, the hurdles of rescuing others significantly amplify the difficulty level.

A prime example of this occurs during Act 1 in Baldur's Gate 3, in a quest set in the Underground Passage. In this quest, players are tasked with saving Findal, an NPC, from a dangerous group of goblins. This article offers guidance on rescuing Findal in the Underground Passage in Baldur's Gate 3.

Steps to save Findal in the Underground Passage in Baldur's Gate 3

Underground Passage in Baldur's Gate 3 (Image via Larian Studios)

The mission to rescue Findal unfolds within the confines of the Underground Passage, situated in the Druid Grove area, a forested region. Along your journey through this area, you will encounter a significant landmark known as the Stone Door, which serves as the entrance to the underground passage.

Here are the steps to save Findal:

You will engage in a battle against the goblins (Image via Larian Studios)

There is an additional step where you can directly confront the goblins and, in the end, rescue Findal by casting a healing spell on him. Both approaches involve utilizing the healing spell, so having a team member with healing abilities is crucial.

Following the quest's completion, you will converse with Findal, ensuring his safety as he returns to his area. Characters with a Folk Hero background will receive an inspiration point and 25 XP as a reward.

In Baldur's Gate 3, the Folk Hero background plays a significant role, influencing how NPCs interact with your character and how they tackle particular situations. Characters possessing this trait must prioritize helping the innocent during their adventures, enhancing their reputation among the locals.

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