How to solve the Jungle temple puzzle in Minecraft

Publish date: 2024-05-18

Minecraft players who find a jungle temple structure should be both excited and cautious, as their treasures are usually protected by dangerous traps and lever puzzles.

While the traps can be easily disarmed by clipping the tripwire with shears or by simply breaking the wire, the lever puzzle in jungle temples can't be navigated around as simply.

In order to reap the rewards of these rarely-occurring temples, Minecraft players will want to know the basic fundamentals of solving the lever puzzles in the event they are met with more in the future. The secret room unveiled from the levers is often well worth the investment.

Minecraft: Jungle temple lever puzzle breakdown

When activated in the correct order, the lever puzzle in jungle temples will reveal a hidden room. Image via Mojang

When Minecraft players are confronted with a lever puzzle within a jungle temple, there may not be many indicators of what to do right away. Once players have ensured that they are safe from any arrow-firing dispensers, they can work on the lever puzzle in earnest without threat of bodily harm. There should be a total of three levers aligned across the wall horizontally.

In order to activate the lever puzzle correctly and unveil the secret room, Minecraft players should follow the steps below. All levers should be pointing upwards before enacting these steps:

  • Pull the leftmost lever down.
  • Pull the rightmost lever down.
  • Flip the rightmost lever back up.
  • Flip the leftmost lever back up.
  • The secret entrance should now be open! The middle lever doesn't need to be interacted with for this particular puzzle.
  • Additionally, players in the Minecraft community have pointed out that this lever puzzle can be done in reverse horizontal order, meaning players can still open the entrance if they activate the rightmost lever first as opposed to the leftmost lever. As long as the same order of flipping the levers up/down is done correctly, the entrance will still open. Since the levers can spawn on either the left or the right side of the temple stairs, a reversal may be necessary depending on what side the levers find themselves on.

    After the secret entrance is open, all players need to do is head upstairs and over to the side. They should notice a small one-block hole to drop down into featuring some redstone contraptions and an additional loot chest. Once the loot chest has been emptied, players can even close off the secret room using the lever puzzle in order to seal it off from other players if desired.

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