Illmatic vs. Reasonable Doubt | WrestleZone Forums

Publish date: 2024-04-25
That's cool, at least your not a blind Jay-Z hater like most. I don't know whether I'd class Jay-Z as a legend, but I'd class RD as a classic album. His music may have turned to shit, but that doesn't make RD any less of a classic to me.

Oh, because I don't know the lyrics to one of my favourite albums... So what, I prefer lyrical content about "money, blunts, expensive clothes, hoes" I don't care if Biggie rapped about the same thing, the majority of rappers talk about that, Nas talks about similar things. Anyway, that's not all Jigga talked about on RD, what about Dead Presidents, Politics As Usual, Regrets? All were deeper songs compared to Feelin It, Can't Knock The Hustle and Brooklyn's Finest.

How about it was influential because it sparked a huge rise in Mafioso rap and has been sampled as many times as Illmatic, if you think it ripped off Big, that's your opinion, but I don't think he did.

And if you did ask everyone to make an essential list of hip hop albums to have, I would presume and expect both Illmatic and Reasonable Doubt to appear in that list.

Look, there's no need to disrespect me, I have LISTENED to the songs, it's not at all the same shit over and over again. You can in no way compare Dead Presidents to D'Evils or Can I Live and if you think they are just the same songs I think it's you who needs to listen. He followed a similar formula as Ready To Die, but what's wrong with that RTD was an obvious classic and just because Jay raps in a similar style, it doesn't mean he's 'stealing' neither does it discredit RD.

Illmatic was a grittier album, I've already said that, but god forgive me if I want a smoother more well rounded (in my opinion) album.
I do think RD was a better album, but that's opinion and nothing you could say would make me change my mind, you could get Shawn Carter himself to say it and I would disagree. Also RD made it onto The Sources top 100 rap albums along with RD, Vol 1 and 2 didn't, so if were going off Source ratings then RD is obviously better than Vol 1 & 2 (I'm not saying that, I'm just saying, you can't go by everything The Source did).

We obviously disagree and that's fine, I don't want everybody to agree with me, that's the opposite of what I wanted. But don't treat me like an idiot for my opinion, I respect your opinion even though I don't agree and telling me shit like listen to the lyrics is a bit disrespectful when I'm just giving my personal opinion. I'm happy to agree to disagree, I preferred Reasonable Doubt, you preferred Illmatic, that's cool.
