INTERVIEW: Rameet Rauli Talks "Ride", Journey to India and More

Publish date: 2024-06-04

Rameet Rauli stars in Nickelodeon’s new live-action show “Ride” as Anya Patel, a Princess who attends The Covington Academy for the very first time, and becomes Kit’s roommate and best friend. However, she is determined to keep her status a secret to be a normal student.

Rameet is British, and touring with her dad, she was brought up around music. Therefore her love for arts came quickly, and she was lucky to pursue this love at The Arts Educational Schools in London, UK. She has also appeared in productions of The Office X-mas Party, Macbeth and Frankenstein at The Butterfly Theatre Company.

This gal is smart, talented and adorable, and besides traveling, she also takes the time to help those in need.

Check out our interview with Rameet below to learn more about her, and find out what she has done in India!

How do you remember your first acting job?

“It was so much fun. I always loved the theatre and I was blessed to get a part in a production which toured the UK. I just remember laughing so much every day! Especially the part where I had to spit some “rhymes” in a killer rap with my two sidekicks — a tortoise and a monkey. And no it wasn’t cool and I don’t remember it. Lol”

Haha! Well, what about your first experience with horses?

“I always wanted to ride. I remember begging my parents for a horse when I was little. The first time I faced a horse I realized how strong they actually were. I tried to feed one and held out a treat for him. He got so excited he nearly knocked me over and I had drool all over me… It was love at first sight!”

Tell us about your character in “Ride”. Have you learnt anything from Anya?

“Anya is a very positive, optimistic, caring and determined young lady who can be a little naive sometimes. It’s a dream come true to play her. I mean who doesn’t want to play a princess, right? But she doesn’t want the other students to know her secret as she just wants to “fit in.” So she tries to be independent and do everything herself which leads to hilarious outcomes as she’s just not as experienced with “regular” life stuff as the other students. It’s funny because during filming for “Ride,” it was the first time I lived by myself away from my family. Sometimes I felt like Anya in reality, trying to be a grown-up. I love that she doesn’t give up and keeps trying. There are many tricky situations she faces but her determination is something I really admire. I have learnt that no matter how many times you fall, just keep going!”

Anya has this huge secret, but she actually wants to be a normal girl. Have you ever felt like that?

“Every day! It’s so hard to hold the royal title and school work. Lol. No, I wish I had a secret like Anya’s but I’m just not as cool.”

No, you’re cool, just as the rest of the cast! Who do you have the best relationship with?

“That’s hard! I have a great relationship with them all. We all really clicked and hung out tons off set. I feel blessed that through “Ride” I have made lifelong friends. I love them all! #RideTribe4Life”

Serious question here: Do you ship Janya?

“I SHIP Janya!! The Janya journey is so adorable. I hope everyone likes them.”

We totally do! What’s next for them?

“Well, that would be telling. No, I have no idea. I hope loads more, you just have to keep watching.”

Now tell us about your journey to India. How would you describe your experience there?

“India was amazing! I went straight after shooting “Ride”. Unfortunately, I lost my Grandmother back in the UK during the shoot of “Ride,” which was really hard for me, and we went to India to scatter her ashes. It was the first time I went where I could appreciate the beauty of India and how incredible it is. I was really young when I went before and it was a bit of a culture shock but I loved it. I got to see some beautiful places and animals and soak up some sun after the Canadian winter. If we get a season 2, I’m hoping Anya gets to visit too.”

You should be really proud of yourself because of the effort you’ve put into helping others. Do you think that many actors should do the same?

“Yes, definitely. I think actors have a great platform to raise awareness and help others. On my recent trip to India, I was fortunate enough to visit an ashram where I witnessed all the amazing work they do to help orphans, the blind and the elderly. I realized how much I take for granted; it was a truly moving experience where I really learnt the importance of giving back. We took little presents for them and they were so grateful. I try and help when I can. I do get updates and love to hear how they are doing. It was very emotional leaving them but I really hope to return and visit them again one day.”

Your father was your biggest influence when it came to arts. Is he still making a big impact on your career?

“Yes!  He’s been in the British-Asian music industry for years and I’ve been blessed enough to grow up around music and the arts. I grew up touring the world with his band and have such fond memories. I always knew I wanted to follow in his footsteps. His dedication to his craft inspires me every day. Being an actor is not easy and he has all the best advice for me and cheers me up on hard days.”

It was lovely to talk to you, Rameet. Do you have any message to CelebMix’s readers?

“Thank YOU for speaking with me and for everyone taking the time to read this. I hope everyone enjoys watching “Ride.” It has been amazing to make the show and now we get to share it with you all. All the love and support has been wonderful and I feel so blessed. Thank you very much. I can’t wait for you all to watch and join our Nick Ride Tribe. Also for more info and updates on the show follow me @RameetRauli on Twitter & Instagram.”

Have you watched the episodes of “Ride” on Nickelodeon? Make sure to catch Rameet on the show, and let us know if you like the series on Twitter at @CelebMix!
