Jessica Biels parents hate Justin Timberlake, and they have excellent reasons

Publish date: 2024-04-23

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel were just in Italy last week, on what seemed like a romantic pre-wedding vacation. Biel had been in Paris beforehand, allegedly meeting with various designers about her wedding dress. Everyone seems to think that the wedding will be going down some time this summer – my guess is that it will be a late summer wedding. Maybe late June, early August? That’s what I consider late summer – I’m not one of those people who counts September as part of the “summer”. I’m old-school like that. Anyway, everything seems on track for Biel and Timberlake. And by “on track” I mean that everything is a complete mess but Jessica won’t stand up to Justin because she’s so hypnotized by the idea of becoming a bride. According to this week’s Enquirer, Jessica’s parents still have major qualms about their future son-in-law. With good reason, as you’ll see:

Jessica Biel’s engagement to Justin Timberlake is being rocked by her family’s distrust of him! Tensions in the Biel family have reached fever pitch with Jessica’s devoted dad remaining suspicious of Timberlake’s intentions, sources say. And Justin’s reached the end of his rope.

“Justin has tried everything to win over Jessica’s family – gifts, wining and dining her parents, attending key family events, and even giving her brother Justin a job, only to have it thrown back in his face,” revealed a friend of Justin. “He finally got frustrated and blew up at Jessica. She begged him to have patience and assured him that she loves him and has faith in him.”

But it’s easy to see why her parents would feel otherwise.

“Jessica dad and her mom Kim will never forget the hurt Justin caused their daughter when they split early last year,” said a source close to the Biel family. “They’d been together for four years and she put up with so much, including his on-set affair with Mila Kunis and him hooking up with Olivia Munn shortly before they split.”

Justin has also been linked to Olivia Wilde and Ashley Olsen, and Jessica constantly fins phone numbers from girls in his pockets, added the source. Even after they got engaged in December, Justin reverted to his bad-boy ways.

“Jessica started to complain that she hardly ever saw him… in February, Jessica actually begged Justin to teach her how to sing – not because she wanted to try musical theater, which is what she told him, but because she wanted to spend quality time with him!”

Still, her parents remain worried that he’ll cheat on her again, according to the source.

“Justin refuses to sell his bachelor pad on Mulholland Drive, and that’s left a foul taste in her dad’s mouth,” explained the source. “Justin insists he wants to keep his boys-only parties away from Jessica’s house, where he normally stays. But even when Jessica offered to build him a ‘man cave’ on her property for him, he refused to sell. As far as her parents are concerned, these are not the actions of a man who’s serious about settling down – and no amount of cash-flashing will convince them otherwise.”

[From The Enquirer, print edition]

Look, I’ve said it before – this wedding should not be taking place. Jessica and Justin are a MESS together, and this story only emphasizes that. I’m not saying that everything in here is true – although many of the details can be verified or assumed by most logical people – but if only a fraction of it is true, how can Jessica walk into this marriage? He won’t give up his “bachelor pad.” He still gets digits when he goes out “with the boys.” Jessica has taken him back after he flaunted his infidelities. Basically, her parents seem like nice, normal people who have no interest in seeing their daughter marry a cheating d-bag. But I have to wonder – what are Jessica’s parents saying to HER? “Honey, you don’t have to marry him. Think about it. Stand up for yourself.” Why isn’t she listening?

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
