OK!: Sandra Bullock has a new producer boyfriend, hes Ryan Reynolds best friend

Publish date: 2024-04-20

After Sandra Bullock went through all that heartbreak with Jesse James (and arguably Ryan Reynolds, many people didn’t buy them as a romantic couple, but I did!) a lot of us were rooting for her to find a decent non-douchebag non-famous type. If this latest report is accurate that may have happened for her, hooray! OK! is claiming that Sandra has found love in the arms of a producer named Jonathan Komack Martin. Bullock’s rep issued a surprisingly specific denial that the two have been “best friends for 15 years” and that “he co-produced the ‘George Lopez’ show with her and is part of her and her son’s life. He is Ryan Reynolds’ producing partner and they are all very good friends. In addition, the recent photo of them was taken after being followed for two and a half hours to Palm Springs for a memorial.” So he’s just her buddy and they’ve been friends for over a decade, or did it recently develop into something more? Does the guy play for the other team? I’m getting that impression from the rep’s statement. Here’s more, thanks to Hollywood Life.

Is there a love triangle between Sandra, Ryan, and his BFF Jonathon? An insider says that she’s definitely moved on from Ryan and that she’s getting her mojo back by spending lots of time with the ‘new’ guy!

Sandra Bullock, 47, has a new lease on life — not only because she’s mom to son Louis, but also because she’s found someone who treats her right and makes her laugh, reports OK! Magazine.

On Jan. 22, Sandy and Ryan Reynolds‘s BFF, Jonathon Komack Martin, were snapped stepping out of a white Porsche to attend a private party in L.A. An insider says that Jonathon was “very attentive” and “didn’t leave her side all afternoon.”

So who’s this “new” guy?

From what we know, Jonathon’s the son of a TV sitcom producer and a successful Hollywood producer himself. And he’s actually not really new to the Oscar-winning actress; in fact, they were introduced 15 years ago and even co-produced together on the George Lopez show.

But whatever Sandy’s true feelings are towards him, her lips are zipped.

“She’s being extremely secretive, though, which is typical,” says the insider. “Even when probed, she won’t reveal much more than saying what a great guy Jonathon is.”

So how does Ry-Ry, 35, feel about his producer friend being stuck to the hip with his former rumored gf? “Ryan isn’t annoyed or angry about Sandy spending so much time with Jonathon, but it’s a surprise to him,” reveals the insider.

Unlike Ryan, who’s been busy dating 24-year-old Blake Lively, Jonathon’s been a dependable companion for Sandy to lean on.

“She’s been pretty down for months. But these days, there seems to be a spring in her step,” explains the insider who feels Jonathon’s kept her smiling. “Sandra can trust Jonathon and right now that’s what she needs most. She’s just been so let down in the past, she really needs a good guy who can be there for her.”

[Details from OK!, writeup by Hollywood Life]

I so want this to happen for Sandy, but it sounds like all they’ve got is the detail that this guy attended a party with her and was by her side, which was explained away in detail by the rep. Who knows what’s true or if OK! is only going by the paparazzi photos and doesn’t have any other source. I like that she’s got her private life on lockdown, and I like that she hasn’t jumped into another relationship and is focusing on being a mom. I don’t think there’s much to this story, but I would be happy if I’m wrong. Sandy deserves some good lovin’ and I still find her awesome. JJ didn’t taint her in my eyes.

Update: Sandra gave a really sweet statement denying this story to Gossip Cop. She said:

”For over a decade now, I have been so lucky to have Jonathon and Ryan as my friends, and I agree with the reports that they are both very handsome and a great catch!”

She continues, “But the only man who has stolen my heart is my son. And for now I wouldn’t have it any other way!”

[From Gossip Cop]

That was really nice, and I believe her. Oh well.

Jonathon Komack Martin and Sandra Bullock are shown on 8-1-11 at the premiere of The Change Up. She’s also shown at the same premiere with Ryan Reynolds. Sandra and her son Louis are shown today in LA, where she was taking him to school. Credit: WENN.com
