Pippa Middleton: The more relentless, ambitious Middleton sister?

Publish date: 2024-04-20


You might not know it by now, but a superstar is being formed. And it’s not Waity Katy! It’s her younger sister, Pippa. For several years now, Pippa has been on the London scene, making waves and dating any eligible aristocratic bachelor she could find. They say that Pippa is much pushier, much more organized, much more ambitious than her sister. Although, in retrospect, Kate’s nine-year ambition shows a lot of will-power, doesn’t it? Could Pippa wait like that? Probably not.

These are new photos of Pippa from last night – she was exiting an engagement party for Holly Branson, the daughter of Richard Branson (Virgin Air, Virgin Records, etc). Richard Branson really wanted his daughter to get with one of the princes, Harry or William, but she didn’t really care about that. She prioritized her education, and I believe she’s an MD…? But Holly and the princes are still tight, and that whole crowd is very… what’s the word…? Incestuous. They all date each other and hook up and party, all in a tightly contained little group. So somehow Pippa, the sister of the soon to be Princess William, Duchess of Biscuits, got an invitation and she ended up being the most photographed lady as people left the party. Of course.

And Pippa eats it up. Even more than Waity, I think. Keep your eye on this one, because I think she’s got a wild streak and I think she’s got a healthy sense of competition. I also think she seems like one of those relentlessly active, upbeat, talk-a-mile-a-minute girls. Those girls bug.

Also: did you hear that The Queen FINALLY met the Middletons? Like, it only happened THIS WEEK. Hilarious!

By the way – we are officially ONE WEEK away from the wedding. Some of you have asked what kind of coverage we’re going to be doing. I know I’m going to be getting up at some ungodly hour (four a.m.?!?) and I’ll likely be live blogging or open posting stuff. Our issues are going to be when the photos come in – hopefully, our photo agencies will have photos very quickly, so we can talk about and analyze the dress, which (my opinion) will likely be super-boring (Waity’s M.O.). CB says she’s going to get up early with me, so fingers crossed. Maybe we’re try to embed some kind of live video feed…? Perhaps.





Photos courtesy of WENN.
