Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: How to get Leftovers

Publish date: 2024-05-25

Leftovers can be helpful during battles in the Pokemon series. When a Pocket Monster holds this item, it will have a snack during each round of a battle and get a small amount of lost HP restored.

However, where can trainers find this held item in the Paldea region? The answer is multi-faceted, as players can acquire Leftovers in two distinct ways, either as a pickup or as a purchased item.

Obviously, picking Leftovers up as a free item is cheaper than making a purchase. However, players sometimes need multiple Leftovers for their Pokemon teams. This is particularly true if they are stacking their team with Pocket Monsters meant to win battles of attrition with high HP totals.

Additional Leftovers cost ₽20,000 in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Pokemon trainers can find Leftovers in one particular city for a free pickup (Image via Game Freak)

Players can pick up one piece of Leftovers for free in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. However, they must purchase others for a steep price of ₽20,000. Depending on how many Leftovers trainers need for their Pokemon, they can expect to spend some money or League Points.

However, if players need just one set of Leftovers, they can head to a specific location and snag this held item without spending anything at all.

Here are the steps you can follow to pick up or buy Leftovers in Scarlet and Violet:

  • Head to the town of Medali, and make your way to its amphitheater. You'll likely do this for the gym's challenge, but it's not required to find the Leftovers. In the back corner of the amphitheater, between two vendor carts, you will find a red Pokeball that contains Leftovers.
  • Once you've picked up the Leftovers in Medali, you'll need to purchase additional Leftovers at Delibird Presents in the town of Cascarrafa. These can be bought for ₽20,000 in actual money or League Points and are unlocked at the beginning of the game. Thus, you won't need to worry about progressing through the story before picking up additional Leftovers.
  • That's all there is to it! While Leftovers may not be the best held item in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet by any stretch of the imagination, it can still be quite helpful, especially early in a player's Paldean adventures.

    Its ability to restore health over multiple turns can be helpful for any Pocket Monster during training and also makes tough battles easier to deal with. Sure, trainers will likely replace Leftovers eventually, but the item still serves a solid purpose for newcomers and in the early game in general.

    It should be noted that while players can get Leftovers this way in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, the same can't be said for some other held items. Some of the best held items in the game don't appear as drops, and others can only be obtained in fairly limited quantities.

    With this in mind, trainers must be careful not to discard or sell certain held items to avoid not having them when they're needed for a specific battle scenario. It's better to have the item and not need it than to need it and not have it.

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