Variations, availability, and everything to know

Publish date: 2024-05-06

McDonald’s Happy Meals are changing again as the chain announces the return of Squishmallow Meals. Featuring some of the most familiar faces from the Original Squishmallow collections, the new meals present them in a spooky avatar and are scheduled to hit stores nationwide on October 11.

Available in boldly colored Squishmallow-themed Happy Meal boxes, the new meals will come with a wide range of toys, including the Dog Bat, Vampire Bat, Cat Skeleton, Black Cat, Werewolf, and Spider. Starting at over $6, Squishamallow Happy Meals can be found at all participating stores for a limited time. The new meals can be ordered either in-store or through the MCD app for pick-up and deliveries.

The Squishmallow Happy Meals hit stores nationwide on October 11 (Image via McDonald’s)

Similar to other Happy Meal boxes, the Squishmallow Boxes will be available with entrée choices of Hamburgers and Chicken McNuggets. Both options are served with complimentary French fries, a kid's drink, and apple slices.

All you need to know about McDonald’s Squishmallow Happy Meals

McDonald’s and Squishmallow seem to be coming together for another round of collaboration as the chain announces new Squishmallow Happy Meals. Mostly meant for kids, the new Happy Meals feature some of the most popular originals from the Squishmallow toy collections and are guaranteed to entice both children and adults at the same time.

Whether you are planning to get them for yourself or your children, the new Squishmallow Happy Meals can be found at stores nationwide starting October 11. Available either in Hamburger or Chicken McNuggets entrée options, the limited-time meals are priced at over $6 and can be ordered at all participating locations.

The new Squishmallow Happy Meals can be availed at over $6 for a limited time (Image via McDonald’s)

For those wondering, here are the six toys that you should be looking forward to with the new Squishmallow Happy Meals:

  • Dog Bat: A brown, smiling dog with bat wings
  • Vampire Bat: A white and black bat with a small smile and a red bowtie
  • Cat Skeleton: A spooky, black cat skeleton with a bluish body.
  • Black Cat: A chonky, black cat with purple tummy and white whiskers.
  • Werewolf: A brownish werewolf with cool and dashing hair on his head.
  • Spider: A round, black spider with a red stomach.
  • Though the six exclusive toys will be available with Happy Meals starting this Wednesday, there are also speculations about new Halloween-themed Squishmallow toys joining the collection in the coming weeks. More details are expected to be revealed with an official announcement soon.

    Fans looking forward to getting all the McDonald’s Squishmallow toys from the collection may have to get several Happy Meals throughout the offer period to complete their collection. Those wishing to skip the struggle are advised to ask their local stores if they are willing to sell the toys without the meal.

    While it may not be applicable throughout the country, select stores are often willing to sell the Happy Meal Toys directly to customers if they just ask them nicely.

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