Zooey Deschanel, 36: Ive never really felt like an adult before motherhood

Publish date: 2024-06-01


Ever since Zooey Deschanel got with her current husband Jacob Pechenik, I’ve been hoping that Zooey would sort of abandon the twee. I convinced myself that she had matured a bit, and then she named her daughter Elsie Otter and all bets were off. Peak Twee had been achieved. So it’s strange to see Zooey on the cover of Redbook, a magazine which usually veers more towards the Jennifer Garner demographic rather than moms-who-name-their-kids-Otter. Zooey’s promoting New Girl, but mostly she just talks about her baby and how her life has changed with motherhood.

How her little girl, Elsie Otter made her grow up…sorta: “I’ve never really felt like an adult. But I think it’s a huge accomplishment to have a child, so maybe I feel like an adult for that reason!”

On the importance of women supporting other women: “Growing up, girls get all of these cues that you’re not supposed to be aggressive. You can’t be bossy. If you’re assertive, you’re bitchy. There are a lot of negative things that are said about women who are powerful, and I think that it makes for a climate where women end up being inadvertently passive-aggressive toward one another, and sometimes trying to pull each other down.”

Slowing down post-baby: “I’ve slowed things down a bit. I think it’s good for your whole self— your creative self, your professional self, and just your soul— to take a little time for yourself and your family. You can spend your whole life going after things, but I think you risk missing out on some really powerful self-reflection.

The expectations for the post-baby body: “To expect someone to look like her pre-baby self immediately is odd. Because you just grew a human and then birthed that human—there’s a lot that needs to go back to where it was. All your organs move around, for chrissakes!”

[From Redbook]

“I’ve never really felt like an adult.” Yeah, and that bugs. She’s 36 years old! But I do think she’s probably, hopefully matured with motherhood, Otter-naming withstanding. I don’t have a problem with “I think it’s a huge accomplishment to have a child,” because I think it is an accomplishment. Maybe that’s a strange word to use, but the gestation, the birth, the fact that you’re bringing another life into the world, that IS an accomplishment (just one I want no part of). I also don’t have a problem with what she says about post-baby bodies and lady-on-lady hate.


Photos courtesy of Yu Tsai/Redbook.
